What is a Jiu Jitsu Open Mat and How Do I Find An Open Mat Near Me?

What is a Jiu Jitsu Open Mat and How Do I Find An Open Mat Near Me?

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What is a Jiu Jitsu Open Mat | Open Mat Near Me

Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that is growing in popularity. Jiu Jitsu teaches you how to use leverage and technique to control and protect yourself from an attacker, and can be highly effective in self-defense against a larger person. Compared to other martial arts or self defense systems, Jiu Jitsu relies less on athletic ability or strength, and more on techniques that are focused on controlling an attacker.

At its most dangerous, Jiu Jitsu makes a person capable of breaking limbs, dislocating joints, or even rendering an attacker unconscious!

So, how can you practice something so dangerous, in a safe manner? Jiu Jitsu academies and gyms design curriculum around progressing you through techniques. This begins with learning fundamental positions, movements, and grips. As you learn, you then get the opportunity to learn more advanced techniques.

Enter the Jiu Jitsu Open Mat

Most Jiu Jitsu classes are centered around drilling a specific technique, or submission. However, one great way to learn how to apply what you have learned is to attend a Jiu Jitsu open mat.

A Jiu Jitsu open mat is similar to what most other martial arts call “sparring”. It is essentially a period of time where a Jiu Jitsu gym is open, but is not providing specific instruction. Instead, grapplers pair up and participate in a “live roll”.

A “roll” is the Jiu Jitsu term for two grapplers practicing their skills on eachother, without there being specific instruction. Open mat is a time for grapplers to roll with each other. Depending on their skill level and goals, a roll can be fast paced and competitive. Alternatively, it can just be a light, almost playful session, where grapplers flow between submission attempts and positions, without necessarily trying to secure a “finish”.

Why Should I Find a Jiu Jitsu Open Mat?

Participating in open mats is an important part of learning Jiu Jitsu. Drilling techniques in class is, of course, fundamental. However, the best way to learn how to apply those techniques in a real situation is to take advantage of open mat time.

Open mat allows you to pair up with new partners, and puts you in situations that will challenge you to apply your entire skill set, not just one specific technique.

Rolling with a trusted partner allows you to experience vulnerabilities and challenges that come with applying your techniques and submissions. You will learn how much force is required, how to improve your grip and hand placement, and how to prevent exposing yourself to a potential submissions.

Not only that, open mat is FUN! There are few things as rewarding as learning how to apply techniques in real time, especially when you see them work. Additionally, you learn even more when you have to also be mindful to protect and defend yourself from your partner’s own submission attempts.

How to Find a Jiu Jitsu Open Mat

The best way to find a Jiu Jitsu open mat is to use The GrapplAPP! Forget Google and go with GrapplAPP.

The GrapplAPP is the world’s best open mat finder, that is totally FREE, FAST, and doesn’t even require registration to use. Simply install it by going right HERE, and instantly find open mats in your area!

The open mats listed in the GrapplApp are verified open to all people (not private for gym members only). Our open mat listings include a link to the gym schedule page, as well as to directions using Google Maps. You should expect to pay a “drop-in” fee if you aren’t a member at the gym.

A Google search for open mats is time consuming a rarely accurate. The search results will likely include everything from karate, to crossfit. If it even lists Jiu Jitsu gyms, you still have to click through multiple links to even confirm if they even OFFER an open mat.

Open mats are a great way to roll when you are travelling. They are also great for checking out new gyms if you are new to an area or looking for a change!

GrapplApp is a Revolution in Business and Jiu Jitsu

Our goal when we launched GrapplApp was to help connect people through Jiu Jitsu. We did this a few unique ways:

  • we proved the viability of successfully operating a “mobile dojo” with Space Coast Mobile Jiu Jitsu
  • GrapplApp helps other people launch their own mobile dojo with our Start Up Special, which gets you branding, custom logo, and an optimized website, plus on-going business support and consulting
  • built a community of like-minded entrepreneurs to share what we learned, lift each other up, and help each other reach all our business goals with the Jiu Jitsu Entrepreneurs Mastermind (JJEM)…a member-based weekly Zoom meeting
  • we help existing businesses learn how to connect with their audience and get found with our Business Accelerator service
  • help you connect your passion with a purpose, in any business industry
  • we make finding a BJJ open mat easier, faster, and more accurate than Google

To learn more, please FOLLOW US ON IG! If you are interested in providing mobile, private Jiu Jitsu instruction, or you want help developing, promoting, or building any kind of business, send us a message and ask for an invite to the next JJEM!!

What is a Jiu Jitsu Open Mat | Open Mat Near Me

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