Looking for a BJJ Open Mat? Forget Google, Go With GrapplApp!

Looking for a BJJ Open Mat? Forget Google, Go With GrapplApp!

Find a BJJ open mat near me|GrapplApp

BJJ Open Mat Near Me | Jiu Jitsu classes

Trying to find an open mat for jiu jitsu is frustrating. Just try navigating a Google search for “open mats near me” and you’ll probably give up before you find what you need!

If you’re lucky enough to have actual jiu jitsu gyms show up in your search, you then have to click through each listing, get to the website, click through to the schedule, and search the schedule to try and find if they even offer an open mat.

This is tedious and frustrating, to say the least.

There is a more accurate, faster, and easier way. Before you quit the search, go with GrapplApp!

Forget Google

Google search has gotten pretty advanced over the recent years. Recently, they integrated AI to try and improve search functionality and the results that come up first.

The problem with search engines is that they are built around “fact-based” queries. In other words, Google excels at scouring the world wide web for information that matches your search query. Do you want to learn about Stonehenge? Find a recipe for pot roast? No problem. Google is great at finding information.

However, trying to find a jiu jitsu open mat? Big problem. When you search for “open mat”, Google doesn’t necessarily understand that you are looking for jiu jitsu gyms that have a “free roll” period. Search engines might think you are looking for floor mats, yoga mats, mats for sale, or any number of other “mat” related items.

Even if you include “jiu jitsu” in your search query, Google is not great. It might recognize that jiu jitsu is a type of self defense, and therefore include all self defense services in your area. This is why your search usually yields things like Tae Kwon Do, karate, and cardio kickboxing gyms.

Why Can’t Google Find a BJJ Open Mat?

At the end of the day, as advanced as Google is at quickly finding information, the information provided is only as good as the information available.

The fact is, jiu jitsu open mats are hard to search for on Google because most jiu jitsu gyms don’t know how to let Google know they offer an open mat. In other words, Google just doesn’t have the information it needs in order to provide an accurate result.

GrapplApp is changing that.

Go With GrapplApp

GrapplApp is changing the way people find jiu jitsu. With our progressive web application, The GrapplAPP, you can now find jiu jitsu open mats anywhere you are, quickly, easily, and FREE!

Simply install The GrapplAPP RIGHT HERE.

You don’t even have to register in order to access the Open Mat Finder.

The Open Mat Finder allows you to search by your current location, or by specific city, or gym name!

Once your search results populate, you can have instant access to a Google map, or you can open a link that takes you directly to the schedule page of their website.

Every gym listed in The GrapplAPP Open Mat Finder has an open mat listed on their schedule.

  • NO karate
  • NO tae kwon do
  • NO boxing
  • NO 24 Hour Fitness
  • NO jiu jitsu gyms that don’t have an open mat on their schedule

The other great benefit of using The GrapplAPP to find a BJJ open mat is that if for some reason a gym’s schedule turns out to be inaccurate, just let us know and we will reach out to them directly and help them fix their schedule. Accuracy is important! Try getting that kind of help from Google.

GrapplApp is Changing the Way Jiu Jitsu is Done

Our goal when we launched GrapplApp was to help connect people through Jiu Jitsu. We did this a few unique ways:

  • we proved the viability of successfully operating a “mobile dojo” with Space Coast Mobile Jiu Jitsu
  • we help other people launch their own mobile dojo with our Start Up Special, which gets you branding, custom logo, and an optimized website, plus on-going business support and consulting
  • we brought like-minded entrepreneurs together to share what we learned, lift each other up, and help each other reach all our business goals with the Jiu Jitsu Entrepreneurs Mastermind (JJEM)…a member-based weekly Zoom meeting
  • we help existing businesses learn how to connect with their audience and get found with our Business Accelerator service
  • we help people connect their passion with a purpose, in any business industry
  • we make finding a BJJ open mat easier, faster, and more accurate than Google

To learn more, please FOLLOW US ON IG! If you are interested in providing mobile, private Jiu Jitsu instruction, or you want help developing, promoting, or building any kind of business, send us a message and ask for an invite to the next JJEM!!

BJJ Open Mat Near Me | Jiu Jitsu classes

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